Shape helps you create issues with exactly the information required to get it resolved. Follow the steps below to raise an issue in Shape using your desktop or mobile.
Step 1: Click Create Issue
The new issue button can be found:
On desktop: By navigating to the Issues tab in the left navigation. From there you'll see the + New issue button at the top right of the screen.
On mobile: Go to the Issues tab. You will see a round + button at the bottom right of the screen.
Step 2: Select Complete or Quick Capture
Next, choose between creating a complete issue or using quick capture.
💡 Top tip: Using Quick Capture, you can easily capture issues while on site with just a note or photo. Issues are then synced so you can complete the other required details when back at the office.
Step 3: Follow the steps
You will now go step by step through the information required including a description, images and files, issue type, location, discipline and responsible person.
Step 4: Review and publish
You will then have the opportunity to review the issue before publishing. You can add more supporting information such as Impact or filling out custom fields. Once you click publish, a notification will be sent to the responsible person notifying them of the assignment.
⚠️ Note: Your issue won't be visible to anyone else until you publish it. It can always be found in your Unpublished tab until then.
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