The Project Timeline has been designed to provide you with a live link to what's happening on site. Anything that happens on a project, a new issue, a picture being taken or someone posting a comment is all available for you to browse from the site office.
How to use the Project Timeline
The Project Timeline updates automatically, so all you need to do is go to your project in Field, click timeline, and you can watch the updates live as they happen.
Viewing a particular time period
If you want to view updates for a certain time period, such as what happened yesterday, you can do this by clicking Date in the action bar and selecting the appropriate filter.
Filtering event types
If you want to view updates of a certain type, you can select to see only image uploads, new issues raised, status updates or any combination you want. To do this, click on Type in the action bar and select the event types you'd like to see.
Filtering events on certain issues
You can also alter the timeline experience to focus on just issues with which your concerned, for example, if you only want to view updates related to issues for which your team are responsible, click the filter icon as shown below, and create the appropriate filter.
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